Natural Resources

Salamá Tocoa Cooperative conserves and protects forest fragments within the cooperative's farms. These relicts are made up of broadleaf and savanna trees. One of the causes that most affects the loss of fauna species is habitat deterioration, ecosystem alteration, and contamination of water bodies. In Cooperativa Salamá it is reflected that the fragments with better conservation and better size harbor more richness of mastofauna. Therefore, it is essential to continue protecting these small forest fragments and their water bodies. Reforestation and water quality activities are being carried out for them.

“El aceite de palma está diezmando la gran diversidad de especies del sureste asiático, conforme se va tragando grandes extensiones de bosques tropicales. Pero si lo remplazamos por cultivos de colza, soja o girasol, podrían sufrir otros ecosistemas naturales y otras especies. Para poner fin a la destrucción, debemos esforzarnos por producir aceite de palma libre de deforestación, y asegurarnos que todos los esfuerzos para limitar el uso de aceite de palma cuenten con información científica sólida y confiable para entender las consecuencias,” said the report's lead author and chair of the IUCN Palm Oil Working Group, Erik Meijaard.

Aware of the environmental scenarios, Cooperativa Salamá perseveres to create and transmit awareness to members, staff and the general population. In order to avoid worse scenarios, environmental talks are given to employees of the Cooperative and students of the schools near the farms, with the purpose of creating awareness so that together we can protect the natural resources. The future of our planet depends on a change of mentality in those habits that generate negative impact, this allows the beginning of a process to preserve and maintain natural resources.
